Large Scale Central

New Rule #1 (9/25/2017)


I would be happy to answer your questions based on myself only. I joined in 2007, but really wasn’t very active here until about the last year and a half. (After the other site died). I popped in from time to time, read some of the posts but didn’t contribute to much myself. Basically I was the proverbial “lurker”.

Last year during the money raise for the renewal, I didn’t really understand what was going on, or how funding of the site worked, so I didn’t end up donating. So, to answer your question, I have not donated to the site (yet) Bob has put up a post about changing that, and adding subscription at different levels to encourage people to help out. After reading that, I understood what he is needing and will be subscribing myself. I do foresee the issue as I’m sure Bob does; that there WILL BE somebody with the "I paid, I get to _____ " attitude.

I really have no idea what people have to complain about so much to reach the point it did last weekend. I am not, nor will I be; one of those who e-mail Bob to complain about someone. Quite frankly, I don’t have problems with to many people; mostly just with the “forum cop” It is pretty simple to anyone who has an issue with the site. YOU came here voluntarily. YOU post voluntarily. YOU can choose to stay or leave, voluntarily. You are not required to be here. You don’t have the “RIGHT” to be here. And Bob is not required to let you stay. (Please don’t take that as I’m telling you to take off Boomer, just facts.)

I can understand your and Rooster’s desires to run off your nicknames. I don’t have a problem with them myself, but this is not my site to run. Friend of mine has a sign hanging in his garage that pretty much applies here to. It simply reads: “MY GARAGE, MY TOOLS, MY RULES”



It is pretty much meant as a rhetorical question but I appreciate you being willing to share.

I have seen that sign and the one that says grouchy customer will be charged a $10 tolerance fee.

But seriously I question the logic of any business ( whether it is run for profit or fun) that says, I am going to get rid of the paying customer who never complains and keep the non paying customer who fills my message box with “great suggestions”, unwanted advice and juvenile tattle-telling.

I think the flaw in that business model is obvious.

Thanks Steve, did not realize it was not there… fixed. Greg

Steve Featherkile said:

Greg Elmassian said:

All the reasons for not using your real name do not hold water for me.

I’ve used my real name on virtually every forum, and I have not had my identity stolen, etc.

I also think that at some small level of detail, the rough location in the state is helpful… when we get a new member, and don’t know he lives in Alaska or Arizona or Washington, some of our suggestions might not be the best.

Also, there’s enough information about us out there already, that, should Bob need to, he can validate (to an extent) the name with the email and location.

I’ve also seen some members change their names to hide their identity, (no one on this thread) but a person who got in a lot of name calling matches with people.

I’m all for this, good move Bob!


p.s. I assume this means first AND last names?

p.p.s. Guys this is not a huge life or death deal, really! Your life won’t end using your real name. You gave it to Costco for crissakes!

So, where do you live, Greg. (

I just noticed something, in your profile, you can control the “visibility” of your first name, last name, city, state… individually

See the dropdown arrow at the end of each entry in your profile.

the choices (from memory) are everyone, members, friends, just me.

So for people concerned about city and state, you could switch those to “members”, for that part, perhaps even your last name.

Bob M. what do you think, and I would imagine that you would want these set to everyone or members, right?



A glance at most fora Member lists show many members who have never posted or only made a couple of posts and are subsequently never seen again. Maybe a temporary Membership with nickname - if so desired by the new Member - for say a couple of weeks?

I think Alan has a good point - new members may be put off by the policy as they are told never, never give anyone online your real name. If they were allowed a nickname for a temporary period, they might get used to the idea and decide to stay with their name visible.

Before you get the boot, you need to update your location.

Perish the thought. I’m such a nice guy who only emails BD about site issues! But rules are rules, and it’s HIS living room.

I also agree with whoever said that emails to BD should be published in a public forum. We need to know who’s complaining about what, and who is upsetting our Benevolent Dictator!! (

Pete Thornton said:

I also agree with whoever said that emails to BD should be published in a public forum. We need to know who’s complaining about what, and who is upsetting our Benevolent Dictator!! (

I would agree with publishing the complaint, in a read only thread, however the who (until Bob decides otherwise) should be anonymous. We don’t need lynch mobs, even though in some instances they might be deserved…

Chris & John, thanks for the direction, It is fixed.

O’boy I get to stay(


I think the threat of posting the “whines” alone would make people think twice about things. Not sure if it would change their minds “internally” but would lower the “noise” I’m sure.


So the same people campaigning for mandatory names and locations also want an LSC “witness protection program” for excessive complainers? Really? If you are contacting Bob to report some offense and ask him to do something…why doesn’t that person get to know who you are? Person X gets accused of something and is held up to the scorn of the entire forum but the you the accuser gets to stand in the shadows over and over again. There is a word for that… COWARD!!!

We are all hundreds if not thousands of miles apart but even if two of us were right next door I seriously doubt anyone is going to come over to your house and bop you in the nose. Say what you are really afraid of…getting a reputation for being a bawl-bag. Well if you are going to fill Bob’s mailbox with your poison pen notes than at least be man (or woman) enough to stand up and be recognized. If you think you have the moral high ground and are so righteous in your position then you should have no hesitation in making yourself and your complaints known.

Any takers? Beuhler? Beuhler? Anyone?

Where the heck is Mr. Peabody and his Way Back Machine?

A month ago this wasn’t even a topic!

Oh how I long for the Good Old Days.

Mr. Peabody? Sherman? Oh heck!

Wow…being away I’ve missed all the fun. I’m just responding to see if my actual name appears. I don’t really care if people know where I live or not or who I truly am. I just enjoy all the help and suggestions I’ve received these past years I’ve been visiting.


Ok…I’m good!!

Boomer Keel said:

Bob as you can see LSC has a security vulnerability in that it allows for accounts with duplicate names. Preventing it will require members with the same name to use numbers or initials to tell them apart. How many John Smiths’ are members? Then their will be the people who forget to capitalize their own name so they will try to edit their profile but won’t be able to. They will then try to open a new account with the same name…and again won’t be able to. Or they mess up their avatar and can;t edit that. Or they move and can’t edit that.

I fail to see the value in this requirement. It does not prevent someone from creating an account with a fake name. Unless you are going to verify every account by matching it to a physical address or providing some proof of ID whats the value? More work for you for little or no gain.

Mostly I object to it because I like changing the avatar or using the location bar for something humorous. Part of the attraction of LSC is the light hearted atmosphere. I think the core group knows and has regular contact with each other far more than an average hobby forum. I am happy to say that I have met more than a dozen of you in person and had a few make the trip out to New Mexico to actually visit the layout. Its no secret and you do not actually need a passport.

I am sure there will be a few who welcome this since they want a more rigid “just the facts” forum. I would point out to those few what has already been said about ignoring the people or topics that you do not like. But they are welcome to pile on here with their opinion…which I will ignore.

Why does anyone care that my exact and location be listed on line? I am a member of several other hobby forums and none of them care what name or avatar I use. I see no value in it other than conformity for conformity sake. It seems like a concession to the few who want to wag the dog.

I spent 21 years in the military and 18 years before that in an ultra-conservative right wing school system. I am done with marching in lockstep with the masses for appearance sake. I am asking that you reconsider this one. If I still have an account next week I will know you did.

I have taken a few days to respond to this posting as it seemed to be missing a key ingredient. I looked around and questioned some to find what was missing and then took time to understand the post. My honest opinion is that with out the posting name this was done under it has lost both it’s example and the reason for the immediate response to it. Knowing basically what this was posted under I see it as an example of what the poster was talking about. Anyone could sign up using any name and with out tight scrutiny confusion will reign supreme. What is the difference between a nickname and an alias ( bad choice Boomer ) but great example.

As has been pointed out by others there really are VALID REASONS for using a nickname/alias although they are not considered by the average person. John lives in a remote area, a former member had a government job that could be jeopardized with info gained on the net, another who’s business can be jeopardized even posting here. Remember we live in an age of litigation over some of the most asinine cases If a member is an officer of the law or has a high public exposure profile. info from sites like this can put them in danger.

I do have to agree that with all users having to sign in with a valid e-mail, you as the owner have access to all the personal information needed. This I am fairly certain is not an extremely secure site. For those who need to remain hidden for whatever their personal reason is, and we have been shown quite a few, allow the use of nicknames or aliases to continue. I really do not believe, that as adults, we cannot get along because someone doesn’t use a ‘real name’.

Bob Cope said:

Pete Thornton said:

I also agree with whoever said that emails to BD should be published in a public forum. We need to know who’s complaining about what, and who is upsetting our Benevolent Dictator!! (

I would agree with publishing the complaint, in a read only thread, however the who (until Bob decides otherwise) should be anonymous. We don’t need lynch mobs, even though in some instances they might be deserved…

I agree with Mr Thornton

Why do you disagree Mr Cope ? You yourself have clearly agreed that nicknames should not be allowed and real names should be used along with location. So why not post the “real names” of those that back channel Bob on his awesome site that he gives us? I say … post their content in a “Read Only Forum” then perhaps we will all know whom caused this s>>> storm to begin with making sure they are using their real names that seem SO important to so few?

However this is just my opinion and opinions may vary

I adapted and mellowed about it with time.

Having been shamed in my HO days, there was no way I could use brass track and the only other type on the shelf was sectional Stainless. Since I torque those screws in, my track is a unit now. Damage is it’s unwanted possibility and I built a lockable car barn for the rolling stock, so theft isn’t as scary today.

I did have one person take something, she came to my door and asked permission to take pictures!

Granted! (


Wow, a lot going on here, reading a thread on facebook about the shutdown, someone said they all use nicknames here, and you can’t do that on facebook so its better. I know 2 people with not their real names on facebook, I can start a page with my business name, or any name I choose, as long as its not already in use. Reading that thread I got to thinking of the names here, Rooster, Boomer, Daktah John,(since changed to his real name) Diesel Dude, and Crummud… never mind he left. Since I have been on here (mid 2014 I think) I have found out David, John, and Kevin are 3 of their real names, didnt make any difference in how I interacted with anyone if they used whichever name,and its funny these nicknames have some of the best build logs and scratch built things I have seen.

As far as location, at least the state or general area, it helps a lot , I think. Richard Mynderup is close to where I was raised, and that helps because if he ever has an open house I can send family in the area to see his RR. Several are in cities that I visit , and if I am going to visit and have time I would love to see their RR, if they were ok with it. Location also as others have mentioned, is good with regards to climate and gardening advice, I would not get much useful information from BD, Rooster, Todd Haskins or Diesel Dude since they are on the east coast and I am in the Phoenix AZ area.

Just thinking out loud ,maybe those with nicknames here now can be grandfathered in ( special dispensation from BD) aor if you can show a reason Bob could allow it. With the caveat of changing it to your real name if you start throwing bombs around.

I never joined the “other” site , once I came on here I liked what I saw as someone new to the hobby,and have stuck around, enjoying getting to know and care (get better Devon) about everyone I have interacted with, and hope this all blows over and we are back to whatever was happening before this started. I have a RR empire to build , and show off when its done, plus Miks Challenge 2018 is around the corner.

My case in point. Mr. Rooster (name withheld to protect the guilty) has taken a generic statement and started a lynching attack.

Well, for the record, not that it matters, I have donated to the site, and I am willing to do so again. I haven’t sent any “Bo ho, poor me” emails to Bob, but I did send him a few about site quirks or site issues. I don’t know who the forum cop is, I guess he/she hasn’t cited me yet. Now that its been explained to me, I can see, now, why some folks would use nicknames. Although I do feel more comfortable responding to a proper sounding name.

As for the self righteous, I do no wrong folks, you can find them almost everywhere. As adults, we should know how to ignore them and continue on having fun.

Every time we get onto subjects like this, I am amazed at how many posts it generates. And I keep thinking; that if everyone could just learn to treat each other with the respect and consideration that we ourselves want to be treated with, most of the problems that start threads like this, would never happen.

As for build logs and how to threads, I have written a few short ones. I haven’t been as active in the hobby as a whole as I once was. So I haven’t written as much.

This new rule has generated a bunch of discussion and questions. The main reason I implemented it is that I want to know who is on my site, whether or not you generally go by a nickname or not. After a bit of diving into software configuration options, and some profile template hacking, I have a solution that will only make a couple of you grumpy.

I’ve added a field to the profile screen: “Real Name”. This option is required, but the results are not visible on your profile to anyone but me. I’ve also loosened the restriction on the “last name” field, so those of you that have a single site name dont need to use a . in the last name field.

So, I’ve modified this new rule to be “I must know your real name and email address.”

Please, don’t abuse this. gavel