Large Scale Central

Just another Boxcab saga

The “Honey-Do” list was a bit long so progress has been slow. However,

The footboards kept falling off whatever I used to glue them. Partly because the chassis is very heavy and the body is not actually attached - so to lift it requires getting your hands underneath and clobbering the footboard. I tried gorilla and acc glues, and finally put a very small screw in to the bracket underneath, then carved off the sharp bit of screw with the Dremel.

I had decided to add another switch/relay to my rig to control the horn from my remote, and my care package arrived from Tony in Oz, so I took the electronics out and figured out where it could be squeezed in under the roof. (It’s the loop of wire top right plugged in to the micro-receiver.)

After putting it all back together, I added a temporary roof and took it to the Calusa Creek RR for a test.

Looked good, so the roof was finished. The kit included 2 pieces of ‘cloth’ which resulted in a seam, so I cut some small strips of tape and made my own ‘seams’. The stack/exhaust was relocated from over the drivers head to about mid-way.

Then I got out my Woodland Scenic dry transfer decals and added the number. I noticed some white lines on the sheet, so I figured they would make a good stripe. I also painted the shiny wheels black.

Not much left to do, except a quick wash to take off the shine and put it back together.

Finally got to Calusa Creek RR with the completed model. Here it is.

The sound is good, but keeps cutting the volume to a whisper - investigations are in process.