Large Scale Central

New turntable build

Darn. Rollers without flanges riding on the pit rail. That solves that issue. Why the heck didn’t I think of that?


Joe Bussing said: time to commit to a deck style (gallows or carrying beam) and get started.

A question also askable in the form of, "Which do I desire more, ease of access, or visual interest?


I’m surprised you didn’t use this for the decking we see.

Forrest Scott Wood said:

Joe Bussing said: time to commit to a deck style (gallows or carrying beam) and get started.

A question also askable in the form of, "Which do I desire more, ease of access, or visual interest?

Don’t forget to add in durability if it is going to be outdoors it has to be built to last. Most of my structures that haven’t been built for the build challenge have minimal detail.

I guess I go for function over form and my imagination fills in the gaps.

Your turntable is coming out really nice. My vote would be for a gallows type.

Okay, a gallows turntable it will be! I needed to convert the existing deck to a gallows beam look. I notched out the deck and inserted “faux” beams. Here, you can see one side is notched out and the other has the beams inserted.


Later stage:


Next was the application of the planks which covered up a lot of sins.


I used barrel locks to align the rails and in hindsight, I probably would have done something else. They required a lot of fiddling to get aligned just right. In doing so, I had to enlarge several holes in the deck and that made for a sloppy fit. I had to follow up with some brass strips to tighten up the tolerances.


Next up is acquiring some brass rod and maybe some NBWs, and construction of the gallows.

Looking good Joe. There’s something about gallows turntables that just seems right if you are modeling the right era. All those cables make it fascinating to look at…

Your turntable is looking fantastic Joe

the brass strips is probably a good idea, as to can keep things tight and aligned easy by moving or replacing the strip as needed for wear. Great job and we can see why you beat the pants off everyone in the challenge this year, great job Joe!

Finished! Ready for installation. The pit will be permanently mounted against the retaining wall and covered when not in use. The turntable will be housed in the shop and dropping into place when the trains are running. I think it turned out well, given all the compromises.







I’ll post some pics of the final installation when complete.

Very nice Joe, I do like your barrel bolt solution, neat, clean and easy

Nice project, thanks for sharing.

Joe Bussing said:

Finished! Ready for installation. … I think it turned out well, given all the compromises.

I’m certainly not seeing anything that’s waving its arms and shouting “Hey look at me, I’m a compromise!”


That is a partial pit is not considered a compromise but a structural necessity demanded by location.

And while we’re talking turntables; dig the turntable control shack with a sand hopper for sanding the turntable drive wheels.


That really came out great!

Looks like you followed up on your brilliant Challenge build with another winner. You’re on a roll!!!

Terrific job, looks fantastic!

and i believe there are prototypes for partial pits out there. Turntable only had the center bearing ring. usually they were on the edge of a slope.

Here ya go, found a couple images,

About halfway down here,

Has extension rails on timber trestle at far end of turntable, And it is followed by a park train size version of the project here.

Generally sort of similar,

On the famous WW&F 2ft gauge,

toward bottom of page and it isn’t showing up anywhere else on web right now, “And as for the turntable at the bottom before the climb, I’ve always been a fan of this gallows tt built on a hillside in Angel’s Camp, CA:”

Hey! Why not a combination turntable/koi pond!

Absolutely gorgeous Joe, wow. The woodwork is beautiful, and you’ve got a lot of neat mechanical design innovations there (barrel bolt lock, bearings, pipe & tube, etc.). Very inspiring!

Excellent work !