Large Scale Central

Some lettering work with a vinyl cutter

I also use a vinyl cutter but mine is a older silhouette model but works great, things that I have found using it are while outdoor vinyl is UV proof it is thicker at standard and doesn’t like creases much so I use the indoor type which is a “little” more forgiving and then spray with Krylon mat finish which gives a bit of UV protection, stay away from intricate designs as they are hard to remove from the mat, I also use drawer liner from dollar general instead of manufacture’s brand of transfer paper, it is much cheaper and releases design much easier, great device and use it for all my lettering processes, you can also cut out stencils using stencil paper if you wish to paint your project. Haven’t gotten into the multi color signs which are possible with the units, Billdrumhead

Wow. Thanks everyone for the feedback. The girls confirmed they could and would use it, which helps to justify the expense. The local craft shop sells the CRICUT brand and offers classes in their use, so that makes the most sense. I think we’ll get that mid-grade model unless I am directed to come to a different opinion! (


Hi Chris,

I’m quite impressed at how rustic your signage appears to be.

I’ve just attempted my first sign replacement using UV vinyl to attach to a couple of some buildings that had been blown apart and needed rebuilding.

It was a bit tedious to cut it out by hand.

I am interested in how you got the cutter to line up around the parrot with such precision. Would you share how you accomplished such a precise cut on that sign?

Beautiful. Does it seem to stick on pretty well, and go into the contours?

I’m feeling ashamed because I have the Cricut for this sort of work, yet haven’t used it for vinyl. I’ve not even even told my wife it could cut such stuff… And she bought it for me two Christmases ago.

Why am I now feeling compelled to write something like “Shut up Rooster”?

OK, TMI for LSC…

Cliff you need to be wearing a Pink hat to tell Rooster to Shut up

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