Large Scale Central

Chess set build

Sean McGillicuddy said:

And this is what Rooster looks like now!

Wow. Seeing plucked chickens in the store is one thing, but seeing it walking around is remarkably creepy.

Dave Taylor said:

Devon, are you using a commercial mold release? Are you using a Commercial grade RTV or a hobby grade? Also if you want a mold to last longer, you need to make sure that the thinnest cross section from your pattern to the edge is at least 1/2 inch thick. This helps keep the mold from deforming very much as you remove the piece. The RTV has an elongation factor per millimeter before it will tear. The thicker the RTV the more stretch you get before it tears.


I am using Mann Ease Release 200 from Micro Mark. As for the rubber I used (for the first time) Alumilite High Strength 2. I was not happy with the stuff from micro mark it was too flimsy and this stuff is much more rigid yet is giving me nice detail. The problem is the wall thickness. It is less than a 1/4 thick where it tore. Next time I will make the mold a bit thicker.

As I am starting to get the hang of this molding thing I am loving it. The Alumilite 2 rubber seems like it will be about right if done correctly. Its a little more than $100 bucks for 5lbs. Other than the thin section it stands on its own well and is tough. And it has cast all the detail I expected.

Ray Dunakin said:

Sean McGillicuddy said:

And this is what Rooster looks like now!

Wow. Seeing plucked chickens in the store is one thing, but seeing it walking around is remarkably creepy.

Ray… well said … Rooster is Creepy!

Lou Luczu said:

I see Rooster as the Knight, Hollywood as the Castle (Rook), Jan Golding as the Queen, and who else but Bob (is Fearless Leader) as the King.

Bishop is, who else but Fr. Fred!

Can you tell I am on new good cold medication?

Hey wait where do I fit in. . .Oh wait I was to busy Devoning and missed the party.

Lou Luczu said:

I see Rooster as the Knight, Hollywood as the Castle (Rook), Jan Golding as the Queen, and who else but Bob (is Fearless Leader) as the King.

Bishop is, who else but Fr. Fred!

Can you tell I am on new good cold medication?

Lou you might have something there. You just need to pick a member to be the pawn.

And since Devon wants to play…

Devon - pawns get sacrificed, your toast.

Thanks Lou, Jan is honored. Try rum, better than cough syrup.

You might still cough, but after 3rd glass, you don’t care. Much cheaper, also. Basically, the same stuff.

I will be a martyr for the cause

Rick, I prefer whiskey. And if I have a cough, I mix it with hot tea, honey and lemon juice. Not only do I not care after drinking that, I also sleep. Sleep is a good thing, especially when one is ill.

I know Pawns get sacrificed, but, if they survive long enough to make it to the other side, they can become almost any piece that they want to. So Devon may get to become the queen.

David Maynard said: Devon may get to become the queen.

Is this because You are the King Butt modeler? (

Ah, well, no. But I have never heard of a pawn becoming a king. But then it has been a few decades since I played chess.

My problem is I would never make to the othwrside. I would get captured while daydreaming and planning for the next game.