Large Scale Central

Airwire or Revolution?

Bill Barnwell said:

Yes, I missed the first part about only wanting to compare the 2, sorry about that, I will leave the thread alone

Bill, I didn’t mean to send you away with your tail between your legs! Thanks for trying to help! Hang in there - I enjoy your posts!

Michael Kirrene said:

Bill Barnwell said:

Yes, I missed the first part about only wanting to compare the 2, sorry about that, I will leave the thread alone

Bill, I didn’t mean to send you away with your tail between your legs! Thanks for trying to help! Hang in there - I enjoy your posts!

Oh my tail is still pointing up, a little fuzzy at the end, just a bad habit of mine to not read the whole thing before commenting, I am considering doing battery as well but probably will side with gscale graphics just because of cost and simplicity but still gathering information, Bill

Bill Sakalaucks said:

David Maynard said:

1500W?!! Who needs to control their train from 2 states away?

Besides Andy that is.

Who wouldn’t want to? Especially if you have an online security camera suite to monitor. Really make the neighbors wonder what you’re up to.

My neighbors already wonder what I am up to.


I use Air wire with Phoenix sound and NiMH batteries (will switch to lithium as the old bats need replacing). I chose this combo as Revo did not exist at the time, other options were LocoLink and Sierra sound or the old LGB DCC system.

I have both AWG90XX, G-2 and G-3 (the new drop ins are all G-3 based) All with external antennas. The G-3 are the current board and can be programmed from the T-5000 (no need to go inside the loco like the older boards)

All of my sound cards are P-5 Big sounds and P-8. I buy mine from RLD. Ronnie will program whatever sound suite you want but if you need to, you can do that yourself with a dongle and some software. Have to pay extra for those.

Throttles are all T-9000s and one T-5000. I know from vast experience with other club members that my T-9000 have better range and control but they are out of production. I do not think you will have any complaints about the T-5000 unless, as has been pointed out, you are running on Andy’s layout…which requires a telescope to keep eyes on your train.

I am not a electronics guy like Eric and Greg. They can give you volumes of technical advise. If you are one of them then you should base your decision on the specs. However if you are like me (monkey with a screwdriver and a dream) I can offer only this example. Without any outside help I was able to install and program the Airwire and Phoenix systems using only the directions that came with the boards. In ten years none have failed me. This is not true of my compatriots in NMGR using other systems, but I believe their problems are a combination of user error and products that are out of production or severely technically out dated and not a design deficiency from the maker. This includes Revo II. Basically, if I can install and program these than anyone can.

Here is a couple of pics on how I did it on different locos. The long version is here:

I suggest you go to both manufacturers websites and download the user manual and see if one fits your confidence level for installation / programming, maintenance and trouble shooting better than the other. Performance is about the same and dollars also include how much of the work can you do for yourself and the helpfulness of customer service. So decide between the two systems what is your frustration level for making trains go.

Boomer, thanks very much for taking the time and for keeping it on the tracks. Very informative. (

OK, I have to fess up. A couple of years ago, I bought a slightly used USA Trains GP-9 from a guy in Mesa Arizona. Installed in the engine is an Airwire Drop-in decoder, Phoenix P8 sound card, and a Lithium battery. I went out and bought an Airwire T-5000 transmitter and battery charger. The engine runs fine and the sound worked fine for a couple of weeks then stopped working. I checked the volume control on the T-5000 and re-installed the sound file but still no dice. The cab light has never worked. So I became a little disenchanted with Airwire while seeing that quite a few people were raving about their Revo systems. So right now I’m second-guessing before I go any further with my battery conversions on whether to stay with Airwire or go the Revo route for the rest of my engines. Thus, the reason for this thread. Just curious as to what guys are running with here and why.

I’m aware that Revo transmits about 2.5x the distance that Airwire does, although I don’t think that’s a deal breaker. And I do like the knob as opposed to buttons for direction and speed control, so Airwire gets the nod there. Switching between two running trains or consists seems a little tedious on the Airwire. Anything else that I should know about with exception to the cost differential between the two?

Thanks, David. Appreciate it!

When we get to the third page of this thread than the topic can be derailed as per LSC unwritten rules! (

I use the Revolution system and NiMH batteries in all my radio controlled locos (8).

Some are steam and some are diesel. In 8 years I’ve had one stop working and it was replaced by the company. Another I ordered from RLD had problems out of the box with the sound and was quickly replaced by Robby.

For me the transmitter is OK. My eyesight is the problem with actually reading the LCD screen without my reading glasses. I’ve had it so long now that my fingers know where the buttons are.

The Rev II receiver/sound cards have much better steam sound than the older ones plus an additional single whistle blast button. The Rev II diesel cards have the ability to latch the bell sound.

I’m a happy camper. (

Joe Zullo said:

Just saying…

So Joe, instead of waiting on the edge o’ your seat to derail a thread, please answer this. Have you been using Revo forever and a day without upgrading and you have no regrets or do you wish you’d started with something else? Not a big deal to you - just turn it on and go? Don’t care that much about sound or do you have a separate sound board?

Just asking…


Read above. I edited my just saying post. (

Here is a demo of the last engine I converted…

Here is the trail car set up behind my SHAY…

One thing others have not mentioned, you said you have several (8)? USA locomotives, and unless I am mistaken , all Airwire products will “plug In” to the existing USA wiring, for me thats a big plus. Have you had your malfunctioning loco looked at to see what the problem is/was. Could it have been reason someone sold it? What was the problem if they repaired it?

Well between Greg and Joe it appears I’m not allowed to voice my opinion only “Shut up”.

So I will place an apple on my head and allow them to shoot it off with a straight bow and a VERY sharp arrow.

I’m confident that they will both split the apple and leave the seeds behind for others to plant!

Thank you, Joe. That’s the kinda feedback I’m looking for. We’re almost to the third thread now, so hang in there. (

Pete Lassen said:

One thing others have not mentioned, you said you have several (8)? USA locomotives, and unless I am mistaken , all Airwire products will “plug In” to the existing USA wiring, for me thats a big plus. Have you had your malfunctioning loco looked at to see what the problem is/was. Could it have been reason someone sold it? What was the problem if they repaired it?

No, Pete, the Ebay seller asked me up front if I wanted the Airwire/Phoenix/battery combo installed and I gave him the OK - labor was free - just paid extra for the parts. Supposedly they’re new but I’m not sure. I haven’t taken the shell off yet to look for a broken wire or loose connection. Hopefully it isn’t a defective sound board. I’ll never buy like that again on Ebay with the electronics not installed by a reputable installer. I learned my lesson.

" Rooster " said:

Well between Greg and Joe it appears I’m not allowed to voice my opinion only “Shut up”.

So I will place an apple on my head and allow them to shoot it off with a straight bow and a VERY sharp arrow.

I’m confident that they will both split the apple and leave the seeds behind for others to plant!

Looking forward to your input here, Rooster. I’ll guard the outside of the hen house in case Greg and Joe show up. (

This is my setup right after I got it. I have since tuned the Phoenix to sound better. The Airwire I am running is a T9000 and a Gen 1 board, 9 years and still going strong.

Pete Lassen said:

One thing others have not mentioned, you said you have several (8)? USA locomotives, and unless I am mistaken , all Airwire products will “plug In” to the existing USA wiring, for me thats a big plus. Have you had your malfunctioning loco looked at to see what the problem is/was. Could it have been reason someone sold it? What was the problem if they repaired it?

I never said I had 8 USAT locos. I have 2 and the others are Bachmann and Aristocraft. I converted all myself. One Revo just quit while running a train. Sent it to Crest and they replaced it. The other one was brand new and sound was full of static. RLD quickly replaced it too.