Large Scale Central

Aristo Craft deserves an Attaboy

At the American Invasion of the IPP&WRR in Ottawa, Canada, an Aristo Train Engineer of mine was damaged during a rain shower. I accept total responsibility that I did not protect my piece of equipment. I was having too much fun. I dried it out as best I could, but it was fried. When I got home, I mailed it off for repair to Aristo Craft on July 22. I asked for an estimate of repair and told them exactly what had happened. Today, July 31, 2006, 9 days later, a package from Aristo arrived at my door. I simple invoice with a hand written note of cleaned transmiter and replaced component. No charge! Not even postage! How can anyone ask for better service than that? They certainly impressed me. I thought you should know.


I truly think everyone should do the same especially if the manufacture went out of the way to make things right. There is always the complaints to go around so this surely was a call above duty for them.


Darryl Noble said:

I truly think everyone should do the same especially if the manufacture went out of the way to make things right. There is always the complaints to go around so this surely was a call above duty for them.


Hi guys, :slight_smile:

Yes, that is nice!

Of course Ric could drop “Uncle Lewis” a line, thanking him and suggesting a new product for the Aristo line: “Raincoats for the TE”. :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley:

I did drop him a line ( he’s not my Uncle) and thanked him for the service. I usually put the transmitters in a plastic ziplock bag, if operating in the rain. Problem was I was not using it and thought it was safely put away for protection from the rain. Obviously, I was wrong on the “safely put away part”. Sometmes we have to pay to play. Totally my fault. I always carry a couple of ziplocks in the tool box. Doesn’t help if you don’t use them.

Good idea. I’ll have to remember that.

That’s great Ric. Glad you got it back so quickly.

I told in Canada you that I could probably repair the buttons, cause I did my own once rather than send it back. I didn’t want to be without it for what I expected would be weeks. Obviously the turn time is better than what I expected of Aristo.

I too have been very happy with their repair department when I’ve given them a chance to fix something.


A lot of us use the zip loc bags, bad thing is they don’t help much when you drop the TE in a pond and are too slow getting it out again. Water has a tendacy to find the hole where the antenna fits through the bag.



Glad to hear that’s all that happened when all your stuff got wet. Coulda been worse.

Whooda thunk, at your age, you’d be out havin fun in the rain?..:wink:

Ron, we in ham radio often use waterproof cases, no holes!

Try this:

Google “aq2 waterproof case”

Regards, Greg

For years every RCS system sent out has a zip lock bag enclosed in the package.

Fortunately the bag can be completely zipped up with the RCS TX handpiece inside as the handpiece does not have an external antenna to poke through.
It doesn’t need a long collapsible antenna to get decent range. :smiley:

Appreciate someone giving credit when due, I have also had very good experience and cooperation with Aristo repair dept. and their products.
In Florida in the summer there is rain everyday and I use the plastic baggy with an o ring or rubber band around the antennae.
10 channels in 1 bag.

I really like that tiny RCS remote. Could fit in a sandwich bag!

In addition to the ziplock baggie drop a couple silicagel packets into it !

this recommended by a photo shooter to protect digi-cams from moisture. My cam when not in use is in its baggie and put away in the carry case along with the vid’cam where a few other silica gel packs are residing at the bottom.

The packets sometimes in shoeware boxes or some electronics.

Kudos to AC for the unsolicited positive . . . .

doug c

Sheesh Doug,

I thought Calgary was as dry as the Okanagan, I guess not. That explains all the Albertans around the neighbourhood. :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley: Pick up the boat and go somewhere dry!

" . . . thought Calgary was as dry as the Okanagan, . . . "

Geeez no when i first had my badger air brush spraying it was like spit and spattering till I added the in-line watertrap !

people round here with boats have to head west where there is no ice on the water yr round {or that is what it feels like majority of the days if you ‘fall’ in } !!

doug c