Large Scale Central

Banta Modelworks Baggage Wagon

Jerry Barnes recently posted a link to Banta Modelworks and while perusing the site I saw these baggage wagons. Since most of the “big” stuff is done on my layout, I’ve been concentrating on the “little” stuff the last couple months. Vehicles, people, the details the bring the scenes to life. These are one of the things that were needed for the station areas. I ordered 4 of them. (it might keep me busy during the winter…:wink: ) Pretty straightforward kit. Easy to read and understand directions. Laser cut parts on 2 sheets of plywood. Various and sundry other parts (chain, brass wire and plastic tube for the axles.)

First thing I did was paint the 2 sheets of wooden parts. I used a darker green then what was in the picture. Then it was just a matter of separating the parts and following the directions. I’m using Titebond II to glue the parts. Fortunately the nozzle is clogged up and just a pin hole remains for the glue to exit. That helps since the parts are so small…:wink: What I have done is just a couple of hours work. It’s mostly waiting for glue or paint to dry. Since this is an all wooden kit it’s not something I would leave out on the layout all year long but just put out there during an open house or operating session. It’s a nice kit. I’ll post more pix when it done.

Nice. Being made from wood you won’t be able to leave them out, but will be great for setting up scenes for photos & video.

Looking forward to seeing it next to some trains. I like the looks of the kit. But with us being a 1:22.5 layout, I wonder if the Banta model (1:20.3) might be a little too big looking next to our trains. I currently have an old Pola baggage wagon which seems to fit nicely with our scale.


My trains are all 1:22 except for the Connie and K. I took a comparison picture of it next to the baggage wagon Pola used to sell. This ones longer. Wheels appear to be the same size so the height is about the same.



The only issue I had with the kit was the brass rod they supplied for the axles. It was a bit too flimsy in my opinion. I substituted a a heavier gauge rod which just entailed drilling 2 holes bigger.

Thanks for the comparison photos Ken.

Looks very nice next to the Pola version. Yep I think I’ll get some for our layout.