Large Scale Central

New modules for NHGRS

These are the $2 under-table switch machines I’m building. The bracket is this:

They’ll be controlled by a Tam Valley Depot Octopus IIIa with recessed momentary pushbuttons along the backs of the modules.

The modules were a total success in Springfield. I got the scenery done just in time, and the servo turnout motors worked REALLY well. I forgot to take photos, but I put pushbuttons along the back edge of the modules for the 9 turnouts. 3 sets of 2 were interlocked crossovers on single buttons for a total of 7 channels.

I forgot to bring a camera, but here are some iPhone photos of the setup. Excuse the crude buildings. I made those in my hotel room on Friday night.

Very nice! (

Great job, Eric.

Great looking modules! The MONSTER continues to grow.


I saw you working on them , and decided to observe from a distant and not interrupt you … They did look awesome … (

And “Big Green” gets even bigger. Hopefully we can see this at the ECLSTS.

Thanks, guys. Thanks to the 11th-hour date change, I won’t be going to ECLSTS. These modules probably won’t see light again until our club show in the fall.

Great modules Eric, and wonderful trackwork. Sorry I won’t see you at ECLSTS this time, but hopefully will next year.