Large Scale Central

Bachmann Switch Stand Adapter

Jerry was good enough to send me pics of his adapter installation,

… and here’s mine.

Works perfectly with the Train Li switches as it was meant to do! Now if I can only find a brick for behind the mill once connected !

Thanks Cliff

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That’s great Rooster, I’m glad they worked out. Thanks for the pics, your trackage is looking great!

That building looks great there. I noticed Ken never attached the CLOSE CLEARANCE sign I made him after ripping a window off my C-19 on it’s maiden appearance. I’ll bet Cliff ended up with it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Before you mentioned it Jon, I hadn’t remembered that mill was from Ken’s. Sure looks perfect there Rooster. I looked around but didn’t see that sign, sorry.

No problem. I have several and can always make more.

Pretty scary sign!!

Like, “Don’t be the squished dude who ignored this!”

Least of my worries BD!

Cliff, any chance of posting the adapter file again? It would be much appreciated.

I have purchased all the Bachmann switch stands that I need for my layout 15 in total. I’m now in the process of replacing the Bachmann targets and post with a square brass tube of the same size and putting lanterns on the post with LED’S on the main line switches. My layout in indoors and I will take some pics of these finished switches with the lamps in place.

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Dennis, you bet. I don’t see a “files” section, so I wonder if I can just drag it to this post…

BM switch stand adapter.STL (47.5 KB)

Tell me if this works, ok?


After downloading, wow, it downloads. Pretty cool software, Bob!

Great idea John. I’ve forced an Aristo lantern on top of the existing post leaving the targets in place. Mine don’t light, but that would be cool. What size brass tubing fits? Love to see a picture or two.

I’ve got tentative plans to make up a New Haven style single plane target with both colors and a lantern at the top.

What the the Hell did I just download?

That’s just great Cliff!

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It worked! Thank you

Heck, I just learned something too. Very cool.
