Large Scale Central

And the Winners Are....

I’m Back home. BTY: The Bahamas are an awesome place to spend a couple of weeks in the winter.

Now to claim the prizes.

John P. you get first choice of the two available prizes to pick from, or you can pass and let the next in line pick

16 x20 custom canvas print, from your image or one of mine, OR

11x14 custom canvas print, from your image or one of mine.

Please let me know.

Welcome back, Dave. Welcome back to dry land where we all belong. There is too much water in the Bahamas. Didn’t anyone tell you before you went that it is an island? They have sharks there, too. No no no.

I would say pass these print on to the next guy in line. I have a nice set of scale lumber coming from Travis, and that’s plenty for me.


With John P’s Pass, to help spread the prizes around.

Up to the plate now: Eric S.

16 x20 custom canvas print, from your image or one of mine, OR
11x14 custom canvas print, from your image or one of mine.

Let me know.

Next in line on deck will be: Todd H.

With waiting in the hole for what might be left: Dakta John.

Wow Dave, a print would be cool! I’ll see if I have an image.

How about this one? the original is 1920x1800 pixles would that come out OK?

Eric That would Make a great print.

Please PM me [email protected] and we will get started.

Todd H. That leaves you up for the 11x14.

Please PM me [email protected] and we will get started.

Oh my! That is a cool shot.

@Eric S. I didn’t know where else to post this, So here it goes.

This moose team belonged to W.R. (Billy/Buffalo Bill) Day. They were found by a Metis near Baptiste Lake in 1910 and were reared by bottle and
broken to drive by Mr. Day at Athabasca Landing during the winter of 1910. Mr. Day and the moose team hauled mail and supplies.


That’s a cool pair of meese there.

We now know the 2017 Challenge will be “Anything with a Wheel” and we see Eric’s entry.

That is pretty neat! A very classy conveyance!

So is meese power equal to horsepower? As in, is one moose power the same as one horsepower, or is it a bit less?

if i look at the long legs, these beasts have, i suppose they are the winter-offroad modell.

That is a great photo Eric. I had to look twice to see if it was your RR or the real deal.

The moose power is great. If the antlers grow big the moose will have to be spread further apart.

I will have to check my photos Dave. Thank you.