Large Scale Central

A Sincere Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts.

Awesome! Congrats on the good news, and best wishes for continued improvement.

I finished Chemo and now I get Imunotherapy once every 3 weeks!

Yeah team! Happy Dances all around!

That SUCH GREAT NEWS John! Such a big milestone.

There should be a merit badge program for such things, like with scouting. (

But seriously, thanks for sharing your trials and victories, you’ve been a real trooper and inspiration.

Jim Rowson said:

sorry, but as i’m thinking about signs for the layout, i could not resist:

John, that is great news. I have a big smile on my face just for you I hope you have one much bigger. Keep the good news flowing.

John, I just wanted to touch base and see how your recovery is going? I hope you are continuing to get better. Thinking about you, buddy.

My mustache has color! The goat is white …

I got beat up a tad this time and lost some lung function, but I’m still breathing air( vs oxygen… My steps are more measured, but no less determined.

The aneurysm is a sleeping dog …

Thanks for asking.

That’s great news John. As long as the knees keep working you will remain dangerous.

Thanks for the update, John. keep making those steps and we’ll keep the prayers coming your way.

Good news John

John, you are a tough bugger. Glad to hear you are still hanging in there. Looking forward to seeing your rail road on these pages again…

Congrats John, and stop using a DCC pillow! (


I’m so happy you beat the big C. Now on with life! (

Great news, John… The power of prayer and God’s healing is awesome… (

So glad for you John! I’m really thanking God for sending this new wind into the sails of your big dreams.

OK, no hurry, but to quote you…

“Is it done yet?”


John, glad to see that the medical therapy is working… Continued success… (

Your attitude of not quitting, plus keeping a sense of humor, is largely what caused your success. Never surrender!

I’ve seen too many patients just quit when they received the diagnosis. You didn’t, you won.