Large Scale Central

Whatever happened to "Tate" the Aristocraft Train Engi

Ok guys…you all met him at the ECLSTS, at one time or another…a true gentleman.He could be found wandering about, never telling lies, but spreading Good Will, everywhere he went. He was known to occasionally enjoy a good ceegar, and an occasional bheer…everything in a gentlemanly manner, with moderation. He even sponsored the adoption of a “Musically Inspired” rodent to the family of Drag & Brag Beavers…long in the care of a fellow named Mauro…who still appears every-so-often in an email, somewhere. The Rodent Family was originally formed to save the eroding dikes in the Joisey Swamps, during a wet Spring, years ago. There was a one man band guy named Carl Vogel, and his “Barge Dog” who played a mean horn of some type…and FREE BHEER was plentiful…thanks to an upstate New York Brewery…

There are lots of “Old Codgers” out there. Lets try to rouse them from their afternoon naps, and see what they are doing these days…

Fred Mills

Do you remember Aristo’s Ron Wenger? He use to have articles in the “Insider”. Whatever happened to him? I hope he is OK.



Ron is well and runing train again with his grand kids

I had a lot of trouble with my Aristo remote and if it wasn’t for Tate I never would have got it working.

He is one of the good guys in this hobby!

“….Do you remember Aristo’s Ron Wenger? He use to have articles in the “Insider”. Whatever happened to him? I hope he is OK…

Glad to read that Ron is still with us and back into running trains. I knew he had cancer soon after he stopped running the ECLSTS. I assumed he had passed on; good to read my assumption was wrong.

Yep, here’s a picture of him, from York I believe.

Can anyone identify the people here?

Left to right, I think: Ron Wenger, Nick ??, TATE (not really) Harry Hartman, Lewis Polk.
