Large Scale Central

New Product: Scaled Automation CTC /PTC

Last week Dennis Cherry asked about a vendor he saw in the background of one of the pictures of the NGRC convention hall: Scaled Automation. Here is the answer.

This sytem uses battery power in the engines and WiFi for control.

I grabbed the four handouts they had at their booth and talked to them briefly. The company is out of Omaha Nebraska and is introducing a full line of plug in electronics to allow operation of engines and the complete layout from your computer.

I tried to go to their website but got a “Forbidden, You are not authorized access to this site Boomer” message. Strange that it was personalized, but I have seen that before. Rather then me trying to relay their information I have photographed the handouts and posted them below. Peruse at your own risk…and as always, if you are killed or captured LSC will disavow all knowledge of your mission.

I am an electronics caveman who barely understands Airwire. If you are foolish enough to ask me a question about this system I will give you a credible sounding but completely wrong answer.

Thanks Boomer.

Did they have any pricing info?

I do recognize the ESP-01 for wireless module on the decoder, that does work well but not FCC certified, has no shielding.


They accept heads of cabbage, chickens or cords of firewood but not teenagers or angry cats. (you were warned my friend). (

Their website is a bust. I suggest giving them a phone call for real info. 402-493-3864

Now shielding I understand…that is like the tin foil hats we wear here in New Mexico to keep the space aliens from controlling our dreams.

Gee, round here we wear them so the FBI and/or the CIA can’t control our thoughts.

David Maynard said:

Gee, round here we wear them so the FBI and/or the CIA can’t control our thoughts.

Is that why?

We just wanted to fit in…

I got the “Forbidden” message too. I guess they do not want my business.


Nowadays, web sites are cheap to the point of being free.

The domain has a private registration, i.e. someone pays extra to not reveal who owns it… interesting… so they have the money to pay extra on the registration but not the money to have a working website?