Large Scale Central

Whistle Stop for the Castle

Thanks to you LSC folks, I decided to build a small platform-type station to serve tourists visiting the castle. Here’s how it looks so far.

There’s a bit more to do. I need to texture the foam under the platform to resemble stones. Then I need to do some touch-up painting. Then I need to add a stake to the bottom–here in Kansas most of my buildings have a 8"-12" stake under them to keep them from flipping in the wind. Even the largest structures will turn over when the winds are gusting to 60 :frowning:

Anyway, thought I’d post my progress on this little side project and say thanks for the inspiration/ideas.

I can see the platform taking off with that type of roof!

Looks Great!

We have those all over here, seems they put solar on those… add rechargeable batteries, a light sensor and leds to light up the castle at night. Some out side to show 'er off! (

Good job, I like the detail on the supports.


Looking good.

I also like the detail on the roof supports.

Now that the tourists will be coming you will need to build a ticket booth, a snack bar and a gift shop